Admissions & Registration

PEACE School Registration

PEACE School is planning to launch a new school in the Niagara region in 2025.

For more information and to inform us of your interest, please phone the office at 705-752-4785, the School Director at 705-498-5605 and email [email protected]. For interest in the Niagara Region, also call Sandra at 905-317-6100.

PEACE admission process for Grades K – 6 involves a letter of request, completion and submission of the registration form, an interview, and a copy of school reports for the previous two years (if applicable).

Enrollment Procedure


letter of request

Parents will submit a letter stating why you want your child to experience an education at PEACE School.

completion and submission of the registration form

You must download, complete and submit the detailed fillable PDF Registration Form.



Once we have reviewed your documents, Administration will arrange an interview meeting with the parent and child.


Once the admissions process is complete, parents and students are notified in writing regarding their application status. An Enrollment Contract is then signed and submitted with a $150 administration fee.

Tuition Fees

The viewpoint of the Elementary PEACE School (ages 3.8 to 12) is to provide a reasonable and affordable annual tuition that includes the basic art materials, supplies and in-school books.

There may be additional costs for special projects and field trips. We encourage prospective families to compare our fees to other private school tuition plans.
Kindergarten (3.8 - 5 years):
$9,600 - $10,800*
Grades 1-6 (5 - 12 years):
$10,800 - $12,300*

Enrollment of a second child will receive a 10% tuition discount, a third child receives a 15% discount, and a fourth and fifth child are free.

* Fees for an extended day are in addition to regular tuition fees. If students require bus service, arrangements may be made, with an additional fee based on location.

"If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him."

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Payment Schedule

Note: We offer a variety of payment options, including post dated cheques and Credit Card payments. All fees are in Canadian dollars.
Hour Selection
10 Instalments
Kindergarten Full Day
8:30 - 3:00
$ 9,600
$ 3,200
$ 960
Half Day
  9:00 - 11:30
12:30 - 3:00
$ 4,800
$ 1,600
$ 480
Gr 1 - 6
8:30 - 3:00
$ 3,600
$ 1,080
Extended Day
7:30 - 3:00
8:30 - 6:00
$ 1,500
$ 500
$ 150

Tuition Assistance
and Subsidies

PEACE School is committed to admitting and enrolling students who desire and are suited to our holistic, enhanced academic and arts programs. We are developing a plan for scholarship, bursary and endowment funding, to assist those who wish this form of education and do not have the financial means. As we are a charitable, not for profit organization, and do not receive government funding from the Ministry of Education, we rely on enrollment tuition and the generosity of community donations to build these funds. Please download the attached Tuition Assistance document for information on how to apply.

Indigenous students are eligible for full subsidies, plus expenditures to attend a private school of choice. For more information visit Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada to view the Elementary/Secondary Education Program – National Program Guidelines 2017-18

Tax Benefits

There are other ways to offset the costs of tuition. The NEW National Child Benefit is a joint initiative of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments that may provide benefits up to $1300 per child per year up to age 18 to all eligible parents. The Canada child benefit (CCB) is a non-taxable amount paid monthly to help eligible families with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. The CCB may include an additional amount for the child disability benefit.

For more information on the Canada Child Benefits (including related federal, provincial and territorial programs) visit
child-benefit-overview and go to, and download Benefits info Booklets T4114, Canada Child Benefits, and RC4210, GST/HST Credit, or call 1-800-387-1193.  For the fillable Canada Child Benefits application form RC66 click here.

Below is a direct link to the 2016 bulletin from CRA related to child care expenses. The purpose of the legislative provisions regarding child care expenses is to provide some relief for taxpayers who incur child care expenses in order to work, carry on a business or undertake certain educational activities. The maximum child care expenses that can be claimed per child each year is limited to $5,000, $8,000 or $11,000 depending on your circumstances. See Bulletin and CRA site for full details – Child Care Tax Deductions.

For information on Tuition Fees and Charitable Donations see the attached CRA document.

Nature Hike 2013
"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words."

Johann Von Goethe